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The project ” Resilient, integrated and accessible cross-border health services”, acronym „Resilience4Health” – Project code ROHU00627, funded under the INTERREG VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2021-2027

1. Inclusion in the program / priority axis / operation:

Project name: „Resilient, integrated and accessible cross-border health services”

Project acronym: „Resilience4Health”

Funding program: INTERREG VI-A Romania-Hungary Program 2021-2027

Project identification number: JEMS code: ROHU00627

The project is part of the INTERREG VI-A Romania-Hungary 2021-2027 Program, as follows:

—Operation of Strategic Importance (OSI);

—Programme Priority 2 (ISO2) – “Cooperation for a more social and cohesive cross-border area between Romania and Hungary”;

—Specific objective (ISO4.5.) – “ Ensure equal access to health care and ensure the resilience of health systems, including with regard to primary health care, as well as promote the transition from institutionalized care to family or community-based care”;

The project is financed by the European Union through the Interreg fund and co-financed by Romania and Hungary.

2. Project location

Pius Brînzeu County Emergency Clinical Hospital in Timișoara headquartered in Timișoara Municipality, Romania, 156 Liviu Rebreanu Boulevard, Timiș County.

The project aims to develop a new medical infrastructure, by building the outpatient orthopedics and traumatology medical recovery department (balneophysiokinetotherapy) in Lovrin Commune, Timiș County .

Having a cross-border nature, the project will be carried out within a partnership on both sides of the border, consisting of:

—Timiș County – Romania – Lead partner 1;

—“Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara – Project Partner 2;

—University of Szeged (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Hungary – Project Partner 3;

Ambulatory Care and Balneotherapy Center (Móra -Vitál Járóbeteg-szakellátó és Fürdőgyógyászati Központ) Mórahalom, Hungary – Project partner 4;

3. General and specific objective of the project

The overall objective is to improve health and rehabilitation services in Timiș and Csongrád-Csanád counties. Through cross-border cooperation and knowledge exchange in joint events, the project aims to establish 3 new medical units and increase medical skills. An important objective is to harmonize medical practices and improve patient accessibility by developing a common strategy that will contribute to increasing the number of patients accessing rehabilitation medical services and improving medical recovery outcomes.

The general objective of the project is to ensure the necessary framework for the provision of public services of county interest regarding health. For Timiș County, the project aims to develop a new medical infrastructure, by building the external medical rehabilitation ward for orthopedics and traumatology (balneophysiokineto therapy) in the commune of Lovrin, Timiș County. At the same time, the project activities at the consortium level aim to develop a strategy and an action plan based on the current health status of the population and the analysis of trends, needs, standards and barriers to cooperation for health care services. The cross-border action plan, with well-defined actions and measures, will create the premises for cooperation between partners, during the project sustainability period. The project „Resilient, integrated and accessible cross-border health services” aims to mediate the development of an innovative procedure in the health field and, to the extent possible, to explore opportunities for cross-border treatment (patient mobility), so as to practically contribute to the reduction of cross-border obstacles (simplification of administrative procedures) related to health-oriented services .

The main activities to be carried out at the level of „Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara are as follows:

The project partner from Romania – „Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara will have the following responsibilities:

—Organizing professional meetings, networking, exchange of experience and best practices;

—Develop a strategy and action plan based on the health status of the population and analyze trends, needs, standards and barriers to cooperation for health care services.

—Development of the Action Plan at cross-border level, with well-defined actions and measures, which will create the premises for cooperation between partners during the project’s sustainability period.

In addition to the rehabilitation works of medical premises, construction and equipping of a new medical facility at the level of the Hungarian partners, the project activities will facilitate the development of an innovative procedure in the health field and, to the extent possible, explore opportunities for cross-border treatment (patient mobility). During the project implementation, several consultations will take place both with the Hungarian partners and with the Romanian and Hungarian national institutions/authorities with responsibilities in the health field and other relevant stakeholders, so as to bring practical contributions to reduce cross-border obstacles related to health-oriented services.

4. Project indicators

The project indicators are provided for in the Financing Contract (signed by the Timiș County Project Leader) for ERDF funds no. 282649/19.12.2024 and the Co-financing Contract from the national budget no. 283709/20.12.2024 for Timiș County as beneficiary, signed by the representatives of Timiș County on 23.12.2024.

The „Resilience4Health” project will have the following objectives and results:

Indicator RCO84_4.5. The target value of the indicator is 4.

After the completion of the Resilience4Health project, the four project partners will continue to cooperate.

Indicator RCR73_4.5. – Number of users of newly built or modernized health facilities. The target value of the indicator is 6,550.

Target value for LP1 and PP2 – project partners from Romania: 4,230, target value for PP3: 1,800, target value for PP4: 520.

Indicator The RCO85_4.5 . – Number of participants in joint actions on both sides of the border after the project is completed. The target value of the indicator is 44. 2 professional events will be organized on both sides of the border, within one year of the project completion: 1 event in Romania and 1 in Hungary (2/year) are proposed with at least 22 participants/event, 44 in total (medical staff, students/doctoral candidates, officials, representatives of partners, representatives of relevant stakeholders , etc.).

Indicator RCO79_4.5. The target value of the indicator is 1.

The jointly developed strategy and action plan will form the basis for future cooperation between relevant actors involved in the provision of health services, to identify common solutions to improve accessibility and mobility for patients.

Indicator RCO116_4.5. The target value of the indicator is 1.

The project aims to develop a strategy for harmonizing health systems, seeking recommendations reached by all entities involved, including a memorandum of understanding for further cooperation of the Project partners in identifying areas for collaboration in projects to be implemented in the upcoming programming period.

Indicator RCO87_4.5. The target value of the indicator is 4.

The project involves 4 project partners: Timiș County (public administration), the “Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara, the University of Szeged and the Móra Vitál Outpatient and Spa Center, two partners on each side of the border. The project partners will continue to work together after the project is completed.

Indicator RCO81_4.5. Target value of the indicator for the “Resilience4Health” project -108. 6 workshops will be organized on both sides of the border. 3 events are proposed in Romania and 3 in Hungary (2/year) with at least 18 participants, 108 in total (medical staff, students/doctoral candidates, officials, representatives of partners, representatives of relevant stakeholders, etc.).

Indicator RCO83_4.5. The target value of the indicator is 1.

The partners will jointly develop a document with recommendations for the harmonization of health systems, indicating possible approaches for harmonizing and improving the provision of health services. Overall, this will open the possibility of better patient mobility in the cross-border area and improved resilience of the health systems in the Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș counties.

5. Project budget:

The budget of the „Resilience4Health” project is a total of EUR 10,937,499.44, broken down by project partners, as follows:

—Timiș County – Romania – EUR 7,000,000.00;

—“Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara – EUR 62,500.00;

—University of Szeged (Szegedi Tudományegyetem), Hungary – EUR 2,874,999.44;

—Móra Vitál Ambulatory Care and Balneotherapy Center (Móra-Vitál Járóbeteg-szakellátó és Fürdőgyógyászati Központ) Mórahalom, Hungary – EUR 1,000,000.00;

6. Project beneficiaries

At the Romanian level, the direct beneficiary of the project is the Timiș County ATU, co-beneficiaries being the residents of Timiș County who will access the services offered by the newly built, expanded, or modernized medical facilities. The beneficiaries of the project are the citizens from the entire cross-border area – patients who require medical services in the field of balneophysiokineto therapy.

7. Impact on the EU community

The Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme focuses on improving the quality of life of the population across the cross-border area. This project addresses these challenges by modernising healthcare facilities in both Hungary and Romania, expanding services and improving the exchange of professional knowledge in the healthcare sector.

Improving healthcare and highlighting cross-border professional links is an opportunity for development in all areas, but the field of rehabilitation and musculoskeletal treatments is a less accessed area, the project offering an opportunity for all partners. According to the latest Eurostat data, the population of the European Union is continuously aging, with the average age of the population constantly increasing in recent years (44.4 years in 2022) while life expectancy has also increased accordingly (80.6 years in 2022). However, longer life expectancy and an increasingly aging population represent a constant challenge for the health sector. Musculoskeletal and age-related conditions require rehabilitation treatment and medical recovery. The cross-border region represented by Timiș and Csongrád-Csanád counties is no exception, the “Resilience4Health” project offering an opportunity for cooperation and development not only due to the high demand for these services, but also due to the specific territorial characteristics, determined by the large number of natural thermal waters with curative properties. The thermal waters themselves have a number of beneficial effects, such as muscle relaxation, improved circulation, stress reduction and strengthening the immune system. The health activities of the project partners are largely based on the maximum use of these natural resources.

The project includes the improvement or development of health departments that provide modern care, as follows:

In Timiș County, the development of new medical services in the field of balneophysiokineto therapy represents a challenge as a result of the growing demand but also of the progress in medical technology.

The new center, an external unit of the „Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital, will use the geothermal resources of the curative waters of the Lovrin commune. The new medical recovery unit will be a three-story building, with a built area of 1,197.80 sq m., a total developed area of 4,602.25 sq m. The center will have 21 wards, 43 hospital beds, 16 consultation/treatment beds, elevators, parking spaces. This unit will offer high-quality services, with modern facilities, state-of-the-art equipment and highly qualified staff.

In Csongrád-Csanád county, the project activities will target two distinct departments: on the one hand, by expanding the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Department at the Dr Bugyi István Szentes Multidisciplinary Center and renovating the specialist clinic at the Thermal Center of the University of Szeged. The objective is to develop an attractive and high-quality rehabilitation department and spa infrastructure. The center will be equipped with modern equipment and will have 43 beds, with 18 consultation/treatment beds. It will provide inpatient and outpatient care.

On the other hand, for the PP4 project partner, the activities will aim at expanding the Móra-Vitál Health Center with five massage rooms, two Hamam rooms and a physiotherapy room in Mórahalom. It is also proposed to create a new medical gym and build a treatment room for balneotherapy, focused on the development of outpatient care for musculoskeletal diseases and the launch of new health-improving treatments.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the creation of an integrated cross-border healthcare network that combines the improvement of healthcare infrastructure and knowledge exchange and professional cooperation across borders.

The project offers an approach that will ensure better services for patients and better access to quality care, providing long-term economic and social benefits. Given the close geographical proximity of the two countries and the different healthcare capacities, barrier-free cross-border patient mobility is the next step. It will help patients receive care at the nearest appropriate facility, regardless of national borders, improving accessibility, reducing waiting times and distributing the burden more evenly between healthcare providers.

The „Resilience4Health” project will significantly contribute to achieving high standards of healthcare by improving the quality, accessibility and efficiency of services in the cross-border area, ensuring significantly superior health outcomes and equity in healthcare services for both regions.

All proposed interventions are based on the principles of an integrated, multidisciplinary approach and the development of common standards, based on cooperation between specialists/practitioners of partners from each country, in order to harmonize services in the cross-border area.

8. Project implementation period:

The project runs over 36 months, starting on 23.12.2024.

9. For information regarding the implementation of the project : Adrian LUPUȚ – Project Manager, e-mail address: .

Andreea RAȚĂ – „Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital Medical Director, e-mail address:

10. Publication date: 13.02.2025.

Disclaimer: „Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă neapărat poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene.”

 BSI, Ex.1: Communication Office/Ex.2: Communication & Dissemination File „Resilience4Health” Project